Love thy foam roller

The foam roller is your friend! Every day, I religiously foam roll pre and post workouts especially before and after a run. It hurts so good!! I tend to have a tight right IT band and foam rolling really loosens & helps prepare my muscles for the workout. The foam rolling will also help with recovery.  Today is a beautiful sunny day in the PNW and after all the morning kiddo appointments, we made it to the YMCA. The lake was calling my name. So I foam rolled, did some marching exercises, bridges, inch worms, 10 min walk warmup, & out to the lake I went. Jogged an easy 5k with no kickback in that foot/leg. Felt marvelous. We are all going to have good and bad run days but just keep staying the course. Staying consistent in “your” plan is key.  My plan is tons of PT exercises that I have been staying the course on. There are days when I say to myself,  “Am I ever going to get better/healed?” Believe in all the work you put in no matter how silly some of those exercises look in the gym. I trust my process and plan!! And foam rolling is key for me!!