Supporting each other❤️

Where do I even begin with this beautiful soul? I’ve watched this amazing woman over the years run and win road races in Seattle, win Spartan races and compete on American Ninja Warrior and most recently become a new mommy. The fierceness in her eyes one foggy morning while running a local race in Seattle made me want to know her. She had such determination that it took my breath away! As I got to know Rose…she coached me, gave me encouragement, taught me that you can be an amazing athlete but still remain humble & down to earth. Rose has also taught me so many other things in life and I truly believe I’m a better athlete, person, mom, daughter, wife, human being/soul because of her and her amazing outlook and support in life. Support the people in your life and especially the ones that fill your heart ❤. This woman is pure gold and I love her!! She is committed – to her career, to her sport and to her family, and yet she always finds the time to support others. That’s where the magic is🌹🌹

What I consider the other “Boston” jacket.

What I consider the other Boston jacket. THE SUPERNOVA STORM jacket. This would be the jacket that I find at the expo being sold by Adidas that is usually grey or black, fits your body magnificently well, has thumb holes at sleeves, very comfortable, and just my go to jacket when on the run or just watching my kids play soccer. I love the celebratory jacket but there is just something about this jacket every year that makes me want to buy it, put it on, and live in it. Hoping to live in my 2018 soon!!

Packing for the elements

The Boston marathon this year is supposed to be rainy, windy, and cold.  Awesome, it’s just like running in Seattle… The last two Boston marathons that I have run in have been warm. So this change should definitely be interesting. I have probably run in every type of weather throughout my marathon training and running years. When I ran Grandma’s marathon in Minnesota during 2015, it dumped buckets of rain on us before we even started. My shoes were soaked and my teeth were chattering. All of the runners stood really close to each other just to feel body heat until we started. So as I think about flying out to Boston on Saturday, I am really concentrating on what to pack. So here’s a few tips that I have learned from past marathon weather conditions.

Always bring an extra pair of running shoes and socks. Shoes that you are just going to leave at the athletes village or the start line.  These shoes are the ones that you are going to wear while you are waiting to start because they are going to get soaked and the shoes that you want to run the marathon with are in your bag waiting for you to put on at the very last minute. Because believe me, you do not want wet shoes and socks before you even start the marathon. Can anyone say ouch in the way of blisters? And squishy….

Layers, layers, layers. With the rain and low temperatures you are going to want to dress in layers and start peeling off those layers as you get close to starting or throughout the course. These are clothes/layers that you don’t care about giving up. Because as you peel them off they will be left there and gathered to be donated to charity.  And speaking of layers bring a throwaway pair of gloves. My hands are always so cold before I start running but once I start running my body heats up and it’s nice to toss whatever I don’t need.  Do you have an extra heat/space blanket from a previous marathon? If you don’t mind giving it up then it can be a great tool to use before you start to warm your body or sit on at athletes village.  Do you own a pair of arm sleeves? I find that these are great for your arms when you like to run in singlets but want to still stay warm.  Do you own a pair of compression sleeves? I personally like to wear these on my legs. When I wear my compression sleeves on my legs they seem to recover faster and I get less muscle cramps. They are also another way to keep your legs warm if you prefer to run in shorts.

Wearing a hat or visor is also a great way to keep your head warm. A visor will help to stop rain and sweat from pouring into your eyes.

Bring a couple of garbage bags. Cut one circle at top for your head and two circles on the side for your arms.  And poof you have yourself a waterproof coat. These bags are essential to put over your clothing before you start to keep you warm and dry. They take up zero space and you can just easily tear them off before you start.

And one last tip that I can provide, if you’re checking luggage pack your race day essentials in your carry-on. Last thing you want to have happen is your bag get lost and you don’t have any of your gear to run a marathon in. It doesn’t happen very often but you never know when it will and that’s the last thing you want to have to worry about before running 26.2 miles!

Here’s to a wonderful and soggy Boston 2018! Cheers!! And good luck to all the runners out there!!!




Can acupuncture benefit you as a runner? With the pregnancy of Savannah and Lily, I chose acupuncture to help with inducing labor. I believe it worked each time. Something felt different and within a couple of days after each session, labor started. So why not give it a try for a running injury? And that is what  I have been doing for months. And as I leave my last session tonight in Seattle before I catch that flight to Boston on Saturday, I’m confident that it has helped me in tremendous ways. My menstrual cycle has improved to the point where I hardly feel cramps. And we are talking about someone who had very serious cramps. None and non existent now except for a minor backache from time to time. Win!! Wow!! My mental health has improved even with the sadness that has been unfolding before me. I’ve never been somewhere stuck with needles and then poof…out like a light for a half an hour. Meditating or just sleeping soundly. I’ve thought a lot about life, love, and the universe while resting on that table. My running injury…it’s helping. Everything is, but I truly believe acupuncture has many benefits to runners. Improved blood circulation to affected area, improved sleep (sleep is so important for a runner), decreased stress to areas, immunity, and helps with muscle recovery. The hay has been stacked in the barn when it comes to getting the most out of my acupuncture appointments. Now, it’s not pleasant getting poked with needles and having them twisted into your pressure points. I have to really go to a happy place when it’s being done. But it has helped me in all areas by leaps and bounds.

Love thy foam roller

The foam roller is your friend! Every day, I religiously foam roll pre and post workouts especially before and after a run. It hurts so good!! I tend to have a tight right IT band and foam rolling really loosens & helps prepare my muscles for the workout. The foam rolling will also help with recovery.  Today is a beautiful sunny day in the PNW and after all the morning kiddo appointments, we made it to the YMCA. The lake was calling my name. So I foam rolled, did some marching exercises, bridges, inch worms, 10 min walk warmup, & out to the lake I went. Jogged an easy 5k with no kickback in that foot/leg. Felt marvelous. We are all going to have good and bad run days but just keep staying the course. Staying consistent in “your” plan is key.  My plan is tons of PT exercises that I have been staying the course on. There are days when I say to myself,  “Am I ever going to get better/healed?” Believe in all the work you put in no matter how silly some of those exercises look in the gym. I trust my process and plan!! And foam rolling is key for me!!

Pool running & nutrition prep

Sunday is pool day!  I so badly wanted to run but I know that with a week out from Boston I need to try to stay off of my foot as much as possible.  Pool running is one of the most effective ways to train with an injury.  You’re basically running underwater without the weight on your feet. After about a half hour of  pool running, I swam some laps for some more cardio and to work on my breathing.  Then I hit the workout room to do some PT exercises which included farmer marches, planks, and foam rolling.  And now I’m really dialing in on nutrition.   Not that I had not already but I’m really thinking about what to put in my body this week. Making soup today with bone broth, prepping another batch of bone broth for the week, and just really thinking about what I’m putting in my body leading up to the week before Boston.  It’s getting real!!

One week til Boston

One week until I’ll be running my third Boston Marathon. This year is a bit bittersweet. Last year I ran 26 1/2 weeks pregnant and thought I would never see the finish line with the amount of potty breaks I had to take. Thinking about running it this year should seem a bit more lighter but I’m injured. Level one stress fracture in my post tib and I’ve done everything possible to get it to heal. Just not feeling that it has healed all the way. I’ll go out on training runs and feel twinges or pains from time to time. I’m drinking bone broth, going to acupuncture, see a foot doc, coach, PT, etc. but feeling stressed that running this year will lead to more injury or a full break. I’m trusting my instinct on this one and just going to take it nice and easy. I’ve promised myself to take walk breaks and just enjoy the support out there. I’ve been working hard to just show up to the start line. The Boston Marathon is unbelievably special and this year I will be running it in memory of a high school buddy who died unexpectedly in February.

Welcome to my Site!

Hi, I am a mother of five, a 3x Boston qualifier and an avid runner!  I created this site to help other “Mother Runners.”