Sometimes we just need to go out for a good run! Or whatever it is that gets your blood pumping. I’m still recovering from the Boston Marathon and everything is feeling good but I’m not supposed to be out running for a full four weeks to allow my body to heal properly. This Monday will mark two full weeks since the Marathon but I just needed to get out and go for a good run. Waking up this morning feeling a bit melancholy over certain things and just knowing that something was off. I’m taking recovery very seriously but also trying to take care of my mental health as well these days. The run was glorious, peaceful, and exactly what I needed. And when I came back home to foam roll, my beautiful daughter, Savannah Madison, sat on the foam roller with me and looked into my eyes. I felt like a newer person than when I had left out that door 45 minutes prior. This exchange is exactly what my heart needed and the run was exactly what my mind needed. So, when you’re feeling blue or just not feeling like yourself, take that walk, run, or whatever it is that gets your blood pumping. It turned around my day and will make a huge impact going forward. And that, in my book, is recovering both mentally and physically. When I’m asked why I run, these are definitely a few of the reasons. After a run, I come back a completely different person. There’s just something about being out on the road and grinding pavement and just letting go of all your negative thoughts. Happy wifey, happy lifey!!