
Can acupuncture benefit you as a runner? With the pregnancy of Savannah and Lily, I chose acupuncture to help with inducing labor. I believe it worked each time. Something felt different and within a couple of days after each session, labor started. So why not give it a try for a running injury? And that is what  I have been doing for months. And as I leave my last session tonight in Seattle before I catch that flight to Boston on Saturday, I’m confident that it has helped me in tremendous ways. My menstrual cycle has improved to the point where I hardly feel cramps. And we are talking about someone who had very serious cramps. None and non existent now except for a minor backache from time to time. Win!! Wow!! My mental health has improved even with the sadness that has been unfolding before me. I’ve never been somewhere stuck with needles and then poof…out like a light for a half an hour. Meditating or just sleeping soundly. I’ve thought a lot about life, love, and the universe while resting on that table. My running injury…it’s helping. Everything is, but I truly believe acupuncture has many benefits to runners. Improved blood circulation to affected area, improved sleep (sleep is so important for a runner), decreased stress to areas, immunity, and helps with muscle recovery. The hay has been stacked in the barn when it comes to getting the most out of my acupuncture appointments. Now, it’s not pleasant getting poked with needles and having them twisted into your pressure points. I have to really go to a happy place when it’s being done. But it has helped me in all areas by leaps and bounds.